Don Tharpe, Ed.D.

Alpha Beta Lambda Chapter Education Foundation, Inc.

Alpha Beta Lambda Chapter

Education Foundation Inc.

P.O. Box 921

Lexington, Ky. 40588-1248

The Alpha Beta Lambda Chapter Education Foundation Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organized to advocate and advance leadership and learning through programs and activities administered by the Alpha Beta Lambda Chapter, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Lexington, Kentucky.


The Alpha Beta Lambda Chapter Education Foundation Inc. and Alpha Beta Lambda Chapter has provided a consistent presence in Lexington in a number of programs and activities, including The Annual Unity Breakfast to commemorate the work and life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, and The Reading Writing and Rewards program designed to improve and enhance the reading and comprehension skills for students at William Wells Brown Elementary School.


In addition, the Education Foundation and Chapter provides yearly scholarships in supporting the educational aspirations of students desiring to attend college or further education as well as support Project Alpha, A national program of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., to improve the well-being and development of young males.


Along with promoting academic excellence, the foundation has provided services and advocacy to our communities in support of programs such as, God’s pantry, Alpha League, Holiday Adopt-A-Family, March of Dimes and Go To High School, Go To College initiative and a Voteless People is a Hopeless People Voter registration drives.


All of the above is possible as a result of collaborating with you; our corporate partners, community agencies, educational institutions, sponsors, donors, fellow Greeks and many friends and supporters alike and we thank you.



Bro. Don Tharpe, Ed.D., Chair

Alpha Beta Lambda Chapter

Education Foundation



Bro. Don Tharpe, Ed.D.


Bro. Randall C. Vaughn


Bro. Peter Doyle


Bro. Rodney Jackson, DMD


Bro. Gerry Harris, Esq.


Bro. Roy Woods


Bro. Charles Holloway, Ed.D.


Bro. Toby Jenkins

Alpha Beta Lambda Chapter Education Foundation is tax exempt under section 501 c3 of the Internal Revenue Code

Federal # 85-0583841  **  Kentucky State Sales Tax # B-000171705


The Alpha Beta Lambda Chapter Education Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization. The objective is to advocate, advance leadership and learning through programs/activities administered by the Alpha Beta Lambda Chapter, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Lexington, Kentucky.


The Alpha Beta Lambda Chapter has provided a consistent presence in Lexington in a number of programs and activities. In the mid-1980s the Alpha Beta Lambda Chapter led the initiative in the renaming Harrison Street to Martin Luther King Boulevard.

Since the 1980s the group continues to provide activities and programs in the community to advance the fraternal ideals of scholarships, manly deeds and love for all mankind.

Unity Breakfast

A signature community event held annually to commemorate the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., in its 25th year, the breakfast involves individuals from all across the community as program participants, volunteers and guests. Over 1700 patrons attended the breakfast in 2018.

Reading Writing and Rewards

A program designed to improve and enhance the students reading and comprehension skills at Williams Wells Brown Elementary School.  Now in its 6th year, over 150 kids have received mentoring, guidance and reading assistance from fraternity/sorority members and other community volunteers.  Rewards totaling over $25,000 have been granted to the students for reading success.


A primary focus is supporting the educational aspirations of students desiring to attend college or further their education.  Since 1998 we have granted competitive renewable academic scholarships to 27 recipients totaling over $100,000, as well as “gap” scholarships for those with financial hardship and travel scholarships to advance leadership and training.


Volunteers devote countless volunteer hours to advocate and support for those individuals marginalized, under-served and in need.  Below are few programs just to name a few where members have contributed time and money:

God’s Pantry

Alpha League

Adopt-A-Family Thanksgiving and Christmas

*  March of Dimes

*  “Go To High School, Go To College”

*  “A Voteless People is a Hopeless People” Voter Registration

* National programs of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.


By the Numbers

3,640 yearly Community Service Volunteer Hours by Alpha Beta Lambda Members, equivalent to $89,871.60 based on IndependentSector.org

28 Years Hosting Annual King Day Unity Breakfast 1700 Persons Annually Attend Unity Breakfast

30 Renewable 4 Year College Scholarships Awarded Since 1998

$120,000 Total Academic Scholarship Dollars Awarded Since 1998

150 Total Kids Grades 3rd-5th Served in Reading Writing Rewards Program

300+ African American Males Served in Project Alpha since inception

$48,000 Raised for March of Dimes, Alpha National Program Since 2006

500 Lexington Residents Assisted with Voter Registration Since 2000

4000 “Get out to Vote” flyers distributed in Fayette County in 2019

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Develops Leaders, Promotes Brotherhood and Academic Excellence, While Providing Services and Advocacy for Our Communities